Weather Forecast API for Agriculture 

Integrate Frogcast’s weather intelligence in your agricultural applications to enable better critical decisions thanks to high-accuracy, ultra-local resolution and unique probabilistic forecast data.

Frogcast improves weather risk management and critical
decision-making in Agriculture

Power farmers with new data intelligence to manage at parcel level the risks and opportunities linked to the weather conditions. Frogcast’s API helps Agriculture application developers integrate easily the most advanced weather forecast data for optimized farm management.

Frogcast weather API

Access to probabilistic weather forecasts 

Manage agricultural risks based on the margin of error of weather forecasts. 

Field-level resolution 

Our 90m topographic resolution enables you to monitor weather where crops really are. 

Global coverage 

Weather forecast in agricultural regions worldwide. 

Frequent updates 

Data refresh every 1 hour to monitor how specific forecast events (like frost) evolve. 

Sensors integration 

Integration of your measurements in weather forecast modelling (custom project). 

Better anticipation of frost risk

Anticipating spring frost is a major stake for farmers to protect their crops from major losses.

Thanks to precise, ultra-local weather forecasts, it is possible to limit the impact of frost when it is anticipated by a few days, but it is important to avoid false alarms that mobilize resources unnecessarily.

Frogcast provides temperature forecasts associated with all possible futures (distribution spread), which helps estimate the real risk of frost. For instance, you will interpret differently a 1°C forecast if there is 100% chance it remains above 0°C or if this falls to 50% with 20% chance to go below -1°C.

Temperature confidence interval illustration

Enhance agricultural planning 

Weather conditions have a major impact on the planning of irrigation, fertilization, harvesting and so on. If you get it wrong, you risk drastically reducing your farm's productivity and increasing costs!

Accuracy of weather forecasts matters much for agriculture planning, as well as the ability to make it very local, at field level.

Integrating Frogcast’s weather forecast data in your farm management app and mixing it with other sources (satellite observations, local measurements…) will improve the performance and the differentiation of your product. 

How weather api can help agricultural planning

Improve your weather risk alerts 

Being alerted of a major weather-related risk for the crops is vital to anticipate and take actions.

Frogcast opens up to new techniques for agricultural risk management such as crop diseases or drought thanks to a large set of weather forecasts data and associated uncertainty.

By integrating our API you can customize new alerts mixing different weather parameters and quantiles, and optimize them over time. 

Weather alerting for agriculture

Integrate Frogcast API for Agriculture 

The Frogcast API provides the weather data you need for field management and agricultural applications. 


and possibility to go further with tailored forecasts working together with our R&D team.


Solar irradiance
Cloud coverage


Air temperature
Air pressure
Wind speed
Wind direction
Wind gust
Snow depth

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Bâtiment Dauphin
18 rue du Lac Saint-André
73370 Le Bourget-du-Lac

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